Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heidegger's Thinking on Architecture

From the essay,we can know that how importants between the enviroment with a building and the author create a rule within it.The author describe the natura is a work of art and he took the greek temple as a example.Through the few point he mensioning in the essay, i agreed with the sentences "The nature is a work of ast''.Ya,because without the enviroment,a building can become nothing.The enviroment giving birth to the building.But,some other people said,we build or design a building is to Fit to the enviroment.I think both of them are related(architecture and enviroment).To create a great building,it need a support by an enviroment.What does the enviroment have?...After i read through the essay it seems like Everthing can be an enviroment,like the nature(the author describe the reflecting of sunlight even the luster and gleam is an enviroment too) and the living things as well. Thats why we need to do an site analysis and take note on human culture before design an building.

In the other paragraph,the author comes out a theory ''The Origin Of the Work of Art'' ,whats i understand about this word is same the the meaning of Enviroment Friendly(From Architecture view).And from his theory we can konw why the Greek temple want to located at the middle of rock-cleft valley.By no destroyed anything on the site,the people build the temple there.It's good and we can see through how ppl using the site context at early century,makes a combination between the enviroment and structure/building.Brings the enviroment as the natural landscape to the building.

In the others side,the suthor oso mension about the word ''Language keeps the world''.Actually i dun understand what he is talking about.Why he think thats language is the original art?Man dwell in language?..i think i can know more about this in class rite?..LOLS.But i quet agreed with the sentence here "Poetry speaks in images''.Contrast,which let the invisible be seen.ya,even though a building also need a hierarchy too.The author oso mension about a painter here.named Van Gogh and his drawing ''representational image''.From Architecture view,a building is mute if it just a building there,but if the building mixed with the enviroment,its shows alot of meaning.but without it,the building is jus a sick structure jus like the author mension ''non-representational images''.

Other then that,the author also describe the building is just a only location,room as the space and is provided for the locations.Boundry as threshold,it separate the building to have indoor and outdoor.It's so true,space birngs functions to the building,the building that without space can say that it is jus a shape,not only the enviroment but also the space giving birth to the building.Boundry provide a better connection between the indoor and ourdoor,brings comunication to them.

''Inhabited landscape'',the gap between earth and sky is a place,a place that fullfilled the nature elements.The word ''inhabited landscape''...for my opinion,i thk is lived with the landscape-nature as the landscape.Thats the point i agreed with.[]
The landscape elements must adapt to,grow from and extend to the architectural/structural concept,and establish connections and sperations betweem surrounding neighbourhood and region.The enviroment and the landscape is an art for architecture.

For my conclusion,everything can be an art.even the language as well.Just depend on how we using it.The essay also describe very well in how to used and taking benefits from the nature/enviroment.Hows the building show its important between man and landscape and makes a good connections within the structure and nature

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